Posted on 5/18/2021
The car is designed to be odor-free despite the many types of fluids that run in its system. Unless you are enjoying the new car smell, any other odor should be checked. Here are some of the unusual smells that you should have checked: Hot Oil: If you smell hot oil fumes from the vehicle, it means you have a leaky crankshaft, and the oil is touching the manifold, which heats it. You may find oil on the surface on which you park. Sulfur (rotten eggs): The sulfur smell is an indication that the catalytic converter is not turning the hydrogen sulfide gas in the car's exhaust into sulfur dioxide. You should have the catalytic converter checked. Syrup: If you notice a sweet smell, especially after you turn off the engine, it could be ethylene glycol leaking out of the cooling system into hot parts of the engine. You should have the radiator checked or coolant hoses changed. Burned rubber: The smell of burned rubber may come from wheel friction if you are stuck in the mud. H ... read more